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[社計學習日記] I go by... he, she or they? | 他、她、他們?



所以選擇有:He/him, She/her, They/them. 分別代表男性、女性、中性(或不想被特別指涉)。 這件事對中文來說真是怪到不行!(寫也許有差,但說就完全不用留意。)

目前是覺得有好有壞啦: 中文因為沒有清楚的性別區分,所以不會在日常談話中就一直不斷次刺激到大家的性別認同。但也許也因為這樣,我們比較不容易留意到大家的認同,或有點順勢默默閃避開來沒有正視這個議題的狀態(?)然後都只有在檯面下偷偷評論? 今天終於搞清楚這是怎麼一回事,然後也終於在圓圈中聽到除了 He 和 She 的選擇後,只能說很欣賞這種可以端上檯面自在表達認同的空間和機會! #默默好奇 難道T大社會系的自介現在也有包含這個了嗎? 你有留心過「他」「她」「你」「妳」選字的請舉手?

There were tons of self introductions going on through out these 2 weeks! And I noticed that in Social Design classes, events we were asked to share: Names, preferred pronouns, and some other personal experiences/ fun facts/ etc. I didn't get to join many introductory sessions in other programs, but the only two I went, they don't have this "pronoun preference" part. Today we finally get to know why we're doing it! 😎 That's totally something excites me very much!! So, it's an act of "de-genderizing". By doing so, we're more respectful and supportive to people who don't feel their identities are relate to what the language defaults to them!!




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