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[社計學習日記] 社會設計專案實作課- 巴爾的摩的家庭計劃主題

作家相片: jicosocialdesignjicosocialdesign


Practice-based Studio on Family Planning in Baltimore:

"How might we support Baltimore women in designing their own family planning strategy?"


這是我們系上最厲害的選修 Practice-based studio (中文應該可以說:社會設計專案實作課)

其實去年暑假我因為帶營隊錯過選課時間,所以本來沒有選到任何一堂Practice-based studio,打算等到第二學期再說。結果誰知道,就在開學前兩週,系上竟然又多加開了一門!!老實說本來覺得這是我不太有興趣的家庭計劃主題專案(因為完全沒概念@@)但為了來實作設計思考流程,也還是硬著頭皮選了!第一堂課,整個很崩潰,一半以上的醫療用詞或避孕措施的專有名詞,已經不是開著 google 翻譯就可以解決的問題了... 只記得第一堂課上完,覺得老師很熱情,但我頭真的很痛@@

很神奇的,在一學期過後,經過各種閱讀、討論、訪談、分析,我們不但可以對避孕措施侃侃而談(現在比較尷尬的是,很多我反而不知道中文是什麼XD),還整理出連在這領域的專家都會點頭同意的洞見 (insights) 和設計原則 (design principles)!

上學期的專案進度,突飛猛進到了 prototype,自己覺得我都八成設計好一個可以促進大家分享和著墨家庭計劃這個話題的桌遊了。本來打算拍拍屁股準備退場去選其他課,結果有個人在台灣的遠端軍師在在建議我一定要留下來把一個專案好好走完...本來我以為只剩下兩成的東西,我用猜的就知道會怎樣... 結果,度過了一段充滿驚奇的第二學期!

第二階段、第三階段~第N階段的Prototype,然後不斷地跟社區媽媽、相關領域工作者測試我們的Prototype,更新、再設計... 雖然到了純設計的那幾週,我真的有種沒有容身之處的無奈(因為我不是視覺設計師啊,我做不出美美的東西QQ)

但在這學期的專案執行中,經歷了開心、傻眼、疑惑、崩潰、興奮...的各種心境起伏,也覺得原來要「和使用者一起設計」不是只是口號,原來執行起來是這麼一回事!還有真正練習在這個過程中擁抱那設計流程必經之模糊與混亂。 覺得紮實。 Solid!


A project of miracle!

Practice-based Studio on Family Planning in Baltimore.

This class/project wasn't confirmed until 2 weeks before the school started last summer when I just left home for the US. I came into the very first class with so little knowledge of contraception, basically I only knew about male condom (and I did not know they have different sizes!!!) I was so confused with all the new vocabularies in that class and I really doubted how can I begin to design anything related to something I barely know.

Throughout the first semester, I was learning, practicing and realizing the beauty of the human-centered design process, especially about the research phase. It was so amazing and unbelievable to see how in-depth knowledge we could acquire in a few months only!!

In the second semester, we spent the entire time on developing the prototypes, piloting with the community, and really working on the implementation. There were ups and downs, and we went through emotional and physical challenges (ie. cutting the cards lol). I would say that I've been through many things I didn't expect. I was surprised and amazed along the project.

This project has taught me: How "designing WITH the people" should look like in practice, and how challenging it could be. And it somehow broke my fantasy of the design process, but also gave me the courage to really embrace the ambiguous and messy procedure.

And of course, I learned a whole lot about family planning! Feel free to chat with me if you like.




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